
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gunnie Bag

Do you have a hard time getting your kids motivated to clean up there toys? 

I was! and like I do with any parenting problem, I first look back to what worked for me as a child. 

I introduce to you the Gunnie Bag

He is not your child's friend. 

After setting a time limit with your kids, he loves to eat toys that do not get put away.

He does, however, return them after a day or two. 

This is an easy thing to put together and works wonders on your children. 

You could keep it basic, like the one I have here in photos, and buy a white pillowcase and draw some eyes on the top. 


get more creative and make a pillowcase out of fun fabric. (I believe the one I grew up with was purple and white striped)

Have FUN with it!

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